Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Wisata Ke Pulau Penyu Hijau, Derawan Island

Tradisi Kami adalah Berwisata di hari ke 4 Lebaran Idul Fitri,,, kami lakukan hampir setiap tahunnya,,, untuk tahun 2010 kemana ya?,, Belum ada rencana Nieh,, sapa yang mau ngusulin tempat yang bagus,?!

Hobby Photoshop

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Bukan Bule

Asli Indonesia,, lahiran lokal Berau East Kalimantan,,,,

hidup dan mati di Berau kaya nieh,,,

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Derawan Island Kabupaten Berau

Kepulauan Derawan (Indonesia: Kepulauan Derawan) berada di Kabupaten Berau Provinsi Kalimantan Timur di Indonesia. berada di Laut Sulawesi, di rak pesisir Kalimantan Timur (2 ° 17'N - 118 ° 13'E).

Keanekaragaman Hayati

Terletak di hotspot keanekaragaman hayati, fitur Kepulauan Derawan 872 jenis ikan karang, 507 spesies karang, dan invertebrata, termasuk spesies yang dilindungi (5 spesies kerang raksasa, 2 kura-kura laut, kepiting kelapa, dll.dan Pulau Derawan merupakan tempat berlabuhnya penyu hijau terbesar di Indonesia.

Ada dua pulau berpenghuni, yaitu Derawan (1 desa dari 1.259 orang) dan Maratua (4 desa dari 2.704 orang). Perikanan adalah kegiatan yang menghasilkan pendapatan yang penting bagi masyarakat. Sejak awal 1990-an, orang menangkap ikan kerapu hidup, ikan napoleon, dan lobster, untuk mengisi permintaan tinggi. Ada resort penyelaman 3 di Kepulauan Derawan, sedangkan resort tambahan yang lebih atau fasilitas sedang dalam proses perencanaan.

Malu lebih jelas,, silahkan berkunjung langsung Kepulau derawan,, nikmati peseona keidahannya,,, Welcome to Derawan ISland


I need you, boo, I gotta see you, boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight
Said the hearts all over the world tonight
And I need you, boo, I gotta see you, boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight
Said the hearts all over the world tonight

Hey, little mama, ooh, you're a stunner
Hot little figure, yes, you a winner
And I'm so glad to be yours
You're a class all your own

And, ooh, little cutie, when you talk to me
I swear the whole world stops, you're my sweetheart
And I'm so glad that you?re mine
You are one of a kind

And you mean to me what I mean to you
And together, baby, there is nothing we won't do
?Cause if I got you I don't need money
I don't need cars, girl, you're my all

And, oh, I'm into you
And, girl, no one else would do
?Cause with every kiss and every hug
You make me fall in love

And now I know I can be the only one
I bet it's hearts all over the world tonight
With the love of their life
Who feel what I feel when I'm

With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, girl
With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, oh girl

I don't want nobody else
Without you there's no one left and
You're like Jordans on Saturday
I gotta have you and I can not wait now

Hey, little shorty, say you care for me
You know I care for you, you know that I'll be true
You know that I won't lie, you know that I will try
To be your everything

?Cause if I got you I don't need money
I don't need cars, girl, you're my all

And, oh, I'm into you
And, girl, no one else would do
?Cause with every kiss and every hug
You make me fall in love

And now I know I can be the only one
I bet it's hearts all over the world tonight
With the love of their life
Who feel what I feel when I'm

With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, oh
With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, yeah

And I will never try to deny
That you are my whole life
?Cause if you ever let me go I would die
So I won't front

I don't need another woman
I just need your all or nothing
?Cause if I got that then I'll be straight
Baby, you're the best part of my day

I need you, boo, I gotta see you, boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight
Said the hearts all over the world tonight
They need their boo, I gotta see you, boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight
Said the hearts all over the world tonight

And, oh, I'm into you
And, girl, no one else would do
?Cause with every kiss and every hug
You make me fall in love

And now I know I can be the only one
I bet it's hearts all over the world tonight
With the love of their life
Who feel what I feel when I'm

With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, girl
With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, oh

With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, with you
With you, with you, yeah

Red eyes

Sakit mata atau kesurupan???

Jangan dilihat lekat lekat ya,, nati bisa ketularan,, hehehe,!!!

Sakit mata

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Sudah hampir tiga hari ini aku seperti orang kesurupan,,, mata merah banget, semua orang yang melihat keadaan ada yang menjauh dan ngeledekin,, tapi ada juga yang beri saran pengobatan yang bagus,, ada yang menyuruh kedokter specialis mata dan ada pula meyarankan berobat tradisional,,,,

Nah ini dia pengobatan tradisional untuk sakit mata,, hampir sebagian besar temen, tetangga dan rekan kerja menyarankan air seni sebagai obat tetes mata,, ( hehehe Bisa jadi bau pesing nich mata ), Jorok nga? ( kalau bisa sembuh kenapa tidak,,, ya ga?! ), mujarab Nga? ( ntar dicobain dirumah )....

Ya aku coba duehh,,, asal bisa sembuh,, ga ganggu aktivitas kerja,, ga enak banget kena sekit mata, mata pedih, berair, gatal, bengkak, kabur, merah,,
Tnq atas semua sarannya ya,,,, semoga aku bisa sembuh dan kalian ga ketularan,,,